Tengfei group focus on Seamless Underwear technological innovation and application.

What details should women pay attention to when choosing seamless underwear?

by:Tengfei     2021-06-23

Nowadays, with the increase in online shopping, many women are starting to buy their own underwear online. But because of this, most women think that the model looks pretty good, and I should fit it too. In fact, when you buy it back, it usually doesn't match your actual figure and cup. The following seamless underwear manufacturers, seamless sportswear manufacturers and seamless bra manufacturers summarize some details that should be paid attention to when choosing seamless underwear.

1. Do you wear a piece of underwear to its drenching duty? You wear it everywhere. It is recommended that different underwear should be selected on different occasions, because this can protect our breasts from being restricted.

2. Do you always feel uncomfortable wearing the underwear you just bought?

Here you don’t need to worry, it is normal, because the main function of underwear is to support our own breasts, so it must be close to our body. Generally speaking, the tightness of the ideal is that the distance between the back and the underwear directly does not exceed the space between the two fingers.

3. How to store so many underwears?

For some women who have more underwear, more underwear may not be placed locally when they are too long. How to place it correctly? During the placement process, try to buckle the back hooks of the underwear to save space and leave room for other clothes.

4. How many sets of underwear should be prepared for replacement?

About 3~4 sets are recommended. In fact, the truth is very simple. Just like underwear, personal clothing needs to be replaced. Just prepare some spares.

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As the manufacturing procedure of seam free underwear becomes more regulated, the costs to businesses will increase and the workforce will suffer as a result.
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