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how to make a fursuit bodysuit

by:Tengfei     2023-05-01

How to Make a Fursuit Bodysuit: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a furry looking to level up your fursuit game? Do you want to create your very own fursuit bodysuit from scratch? Well, you're in luck because we've got you covered! In this article, we'll be providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to make a fursuit bodysuit. So, put on your crafting gloves, grab your materials, and let's get started!

Materials You'll Need

Before we dive in, it's important to have all the necessary materials on hand. Here's what you'll need:

- Foam

- Carpet tape

- EVA foam mat

- Duct tape or electrical tape

- Stretchy fabric

- Faux fur

- Sewing machine

- Thread

- Tailor's chalk

- Scissors

- Measuring tape

Creating the Pattern

The first step in creating your fursuit bodysuit is creating the pattern. This is where you'll need your tailor's chalk and measuring tape. Begin by measuring yourself from your shoulders down to your ankles. You want the suit to be snug, but not too tight. Take note of your measurements and start drawing a pattern on the EVA foam mat. Be sure to leave extra room for the seams.

Cutting Out the Foam

After you have a pattern, use the foam to cut out the shapes for your fursuit bodysuit. You'll want to cut out the shapes for the front, back, and sides. Remember to leave extra foam for the seam allowance.

Taping the Foam Together

Once you've cut out your foam shapes, it's time to tape them together. Use the duct tape or electrical tape to tape the foam pieces together. Be sure to tape the seams on the inside of the suit so they aren't visible from the outside.

Adding the Carpet Tape

Next, it's time to add the carpet tape to the foam. This will provide the surface needed for the faux fur to stick to. So, take your foam pieces and lay them flat on a table, then apply the carpet tape to cover every inch of the foam. Make sure every edge is secure.

Cutting and Sewing the Fabric

Once the carpet tape is applied, it's time to work on the fabric. Cut out the pieces of fabric according to the pattern you created earlier, and sew them together. You can use a sewing machine if you have one, or hand sew if you prefer. Sew the front, back, and side pieces of the fabric together. When you're done, you should have a fabric bodysuit that matches the foam bodysuit.

Adding the Faux Fur

Finally, it's time to add the faux fur to your fursuit bodysuit. Begin by cutting the faux fur and laying it over the bodysuit. Then, use a hot glue gun to secure the fur to the carpet tape. Be careful not to use too much glue as it can create bubbled areas in the fur. Once the glue is dry, trim the fur to your desired length.


And there you have it - your very own fursuit bodysuit! By following the steps laid out in this guide, you'll have a professional-looking fursuit bodysuit that fits you like a glove. Remember to take your time and be patient - crafting a fursuit bodysuit is a labor-intensive process, but the end result is well worth it. So, get to work and show off your fursuit at the next furry convention!

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